Geoff Thomas is visiting professor of historical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Previously, he served as the pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church for fifty years. Amongst Dr. Thomas’ many publications are The Holy Spirit, Daniel: Servant of God Under Four Kings, Philip and the Revival in Samaria, and Ernest Reisinger: A Biography.


Mark Johnston has been a church planter and pastor in the UK and US for 39 years, and is currently the minister of Groomsport EPC in Northern Ireland. Mark serves on the Boards of Ligonier Ministries UK and the Banner of Truth, and is editor of the Banner of Truth Magazine. His books include This World Is Not My Home: Reflections for Pilgrims on the Way and commentaries in the Let’s Study series on John, Colossians and Philemon, and 2 Peter and Jude.


Chad Vegas is founding board chairman of Radius International, an organisation that trains missionaries to translate the scriptures for unreached languages groups and to plant churches. Chad’s ambition is that the gospel should be preached where Christ has not yet been named. He also serves as the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield, California.


Ian Hamilton is president of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a trustee of its accrediting body, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS). A pastor for 37 years, his books include The Beauty and Glory of Christian Living, and A Gospel-Shaped Life. Having taught in seminaries across the UK and US, Ian currently serves as professor of historical theology at Westminster and adjunct professor of applied theology at GPTS.


Peter Szabo is minister of Budapest Reformed Presbyterian Church, a congregation within the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to taking up the call to the ministry Peter served as economic analyst to the Hungarian Ministry of Finance.


Donald John MacLean is assistant professor of historical theology at Wesminster Seminary UK, and chairman of the board. An elder of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, Donald John is a trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust and of Tyndale House (Cambridge). He edits Affinity’s theological journal and is associate editor of the Banner of Truth magazine.