Our most accessible, affordable way into studying heart-transforming theology
Theology for all of life
Our Diploma in Biblical Studies allows you to study theology with experienced pastor-theologians at your own pace, and be equipped to serve Christ wherever you are.
For you and for Christ’s Church
Our Diploma in Biblical Studies is designed for Christians everywhere with a hunger to know more of God:
✓ Lay leaders who want to be further equipped for ministry
✓ Non-ministry professionals and stay-at-home parents who need their studies to work around their schedule
✓ Men exploring a call to the ministry and not yet ready to leave employment
Journey towards a deeper love for God
The Diploma in Biblical Studies is divided into three segments, providing you with a clear pathway through the primary theological disciplines and towards the option of further theological training.
Available now
Rev Dr Peter Sanlon — 2 Credit Hours
Learn how key figures like C.S Lewis, Cornelius Van Til, William Lane Craig and Tim Keller defended the Christian faith. Evaluate the major schools of apologetics in light of what the Bible teaches. Consider how we meet contemporary challenges to the faith.
Rev Dr Donald John MacLean — 3 Credit Hours
Study the major doctrines taught in the Bible and see how they connect with one another in a beautifully coherent body of truth. Become acquainted with the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, and the work of Louis Berkhof, John Murray and A.A. Hodge.
Rev Dr Ian Hamilton — 3 Credit Hours
Explore the development of Protestantism, Roman Catholicism after the Reformation, the great revivals of the Post-Reformation era, the rise of modern theological liberalism and Neo-Orthodoxy, and recent trends in modern theology. See Christ’s power and love at work in guiding and protecting His Church through history.
Spring 2025
Dr Ben Dunson — 2 Credit Hours
Gain a greater understanding of God's redemptive purposes—foreshadowed in the Old Testament and brought to glorious light in the New!
Rev Dr Ian Hamilton — 2 Credit Hours
This very practical course considers how we may deepen our love for God and become more Christlike in character. Learn what the Bible means by ‘godliness’ and how to live a life of devotion to God, and explore how Christian leadership is expressed in the family and church.
Dr Joseph A. Pipa — 2 Credit Hours
Consider the foundational principles of biblical worship, including the ‘Regulative Principle’, and apply these principles to preparing, leading — or simply taking part in — worship in your church or family.
This course is optional, though highly recommended. Credits gained cannot be transferred to a Master’s degree programme.
Summer 2025
Rev Dr Donald John MacLean — 3 Credit Hours
A deep dive into the glorious doctrines of the plan of salvation, the covenant of grace, and the person and work of Christ. Appreciate both the theological significance of these doctrines and their pastoral usefulness.
Jonathan Winch — 2 Credit Hours
What is the purpose of education? Who is responsible for educating the next generation? How do children learn most effectively? What role should the home play in education—and what about the Church and state? This course brings Scriptural principles to bear in the battleground that is education.
Rev Dr Ian Hamilton — 3 Credit Hours
Study the early church from Pentecost through the age of Augustine and Gregory I, with emphasis on the key events, leaders and challenges that impacted the doctrine, worship and growth of the Church.
Rev Christopher Ash — 2 Credit Hours
See how God progressively unfolds his purposes in the covenants of the Old Testament. Appreciate the unifying theme of the Old Testament which is ‘dwelling with God’. Glory in the promises of a future Messiah who will make that promised goal a reality!
This course will be available from January 2027.
Beautiful truth, taught beautifully
Our Diploma in Biblical Studies is taught by our faculty: experienced pastor-theologians passionate about helping deepen your understanding of and love for Christ.
Introduction to Apologetics
Taught by Peter Sanlon
Introduction to Reformed Theology
Taught by Donald John MacLean
Modern Church History
Taught by Ian Hamilton
A learning experience tailored to you
Our Diploma in Biblical Studies courses deliver high quality content in an accessible format, so that you can learn at your own pace.
Learn wherever you are, whenever you want
Delivered 100% online, our Diploma in Biblical Studies is designed to work around you and your commitments, allowing you to learn and apply your training at your own pace.
Receive the support you need
Your personal academic tutor is on hand to help you get the most out of your studies and offer support whenever you need it.
Access world-class theological teaching at your fingertips
Our online learning platform lets you access your learning material on any device, bringing theological teaching of the highest quality within your reach.
Frequently Asked Questions
This programme is for anyone who wants to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What makes this programme special is how rigorous it is. You'll be taking a deep dive into church history, systematic theology, biblical studies, apologetics and practical theology, taught at a depth that's normally only encountered within an MDiv degree.
In fact, credits achieved within the Diploma can be carried over to a Westminster UK Master's degree.
But our experienced teachers have worked hard to make this an accessible course. You'll find that ideas are explained with a beautiful clarity, and driven home with passion. A personal academic tutor will give you the support you need—even if English is not your native language.
Maybe you're a church office-bearer, a Sunday school or an RE teacher; perhaps a home-schooling parent; or maybe you are exploring a call to the ministry and want to begin study before quitting the job you now have—this course is designed for you.
We estimate that with an hour or two a day, five days a week, the Diploma will take 18 - 24 months to complete. But the beauty is that you work at your own pace, watching lectures when it suits you, honouring your commitment to family, work, church and everything else God has called you to right now.
Take courses one at a time or run two or three in parallel. Limit yourself to required reading or pursue an area of interest using our carefully curated ‘recommended reading’. Blitz a course in a month or spread it over six. The Diploma gives you full control over how you approach your studies.
A monthly subscription costs £75, and it covers:
The Westminster Learning Portal, where you'll access your lectures, assignments and all supporting materials
A personal academic tutor to guide and support you, mark assignments and provide feedback
Borrowing rights at Westminster UK’s library in Newcastle
Your final Diploma Certificate and transcript of learning
It’s Master’s level tuition at around half the rate you’d pay as a live student.
Our courses are taught by men with expertise in their subject matter, and extensive pastoral experience. They share a conviction that theology should be affectionate and practical, warming our hearts with love for Christ, and helping us live lives that are transformed by that love.
Yes. Each course is assessed in two ways:
Self-marking quizzes follow each lecture, aimed at checking your understanding
Written assignments, such as a book review or an essay, are submitted to your tutor for marking and feedback
Students accepted onto a Westminster UK degree programme may apply for exemption for those Diploma courses in which they’ve achieved a B grade or higher. A Diploma graduate accepted onto our MDiv will have completed 18% of the programme; for a Master of Arts in Religion, the figure is 49%.
Note that Master of Arts places at Westminster UK are limited; also, that credits from the optional ‘Reformed Worship’ course cannot be transferred.
You may cancel at any time to receive a transcript of all courses successfully completed. Your progress through each course you undertake will be saved for two years, so you can re-subscribe and resume your studies whenever you like within that time frame.
This is under consideration for a later phase of development.
The Diploma is accredited by Westminster Seminary UK, which is itself accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC).
Our faculty have worked hard to weave into each course the best that’s been thought and said.
We’ve uploaded short readings on the learning hub for you, along with books that are out of copyright.
In a typical course there will be a couple of books on the required reading list that haven’t been uploaded; these might cost around £10 each.
When it comes to the essays you will generally have a choice of title. This is where you will need to go beyond required reading to research material specific to your chosen topic. The recommended reading list is a starting point here. Some titles we’ve been able to source online, and are available via hyperlink.
Of course, the more you read the more you learn; you might like to join Perlego’s online library, where a yearly plan costs £8 per month. Perlego has over a million volumes, but it doesn’t have everything. Do consider buying second-hand; Amazon and eBay sell excellent theological books for a few pounds. If you live within travelling distance of a theological seminary or library, just ask if you can make use of it; they will normally be happy to oblige!

Start studying with us
Sign up for our Diploma in Biblical Studies below:
Equivalent monthly price of these courses when taught in person:
per month
per month
✓ Study 10 in-depth theological courses
✓ Learn from experienced pastor-theologians
✓ Access learning material anywhere on any device
✓ Get monthly support from a personal academic tutor
✓ Carry over course credits to our MDiv degree
✓ Cancel at any time
By signing up to our Diploma in Biblical Studies, you agree to receive communications from us. You can opt out at any time.
Do you have further questions?
If you have further questions about our Diploma in Biblical Studies, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us—simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.