Westminster Seminary UK is based in the historic city of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne is a vibrant place to live, study and work. Westminster Seminary UK’s location at the heart of the city provides a wonderful base from which to explore the local sights and attractions. Find out more about the local area here.
Westminster Seminary is based in Newcastle for its faithful churches, affordable beauty and theological heritage:
By God’s grace Newcastle and the local area is home to a growing number of faithful churches. Students are assured of a choice of excellent local churches within which to worship and serve.
Westminster is committed to a pastor-scholar model: all faculty members must be actively engaged in the pastoral ministry; this requirement marries well with the availability of growing churches within commuting distance across the North East.
"Newcastle's atmosphere of almost pathological friendliness and good humour stems from one simple thing: all Geordies believe themselves blessed to have been born here," claimed a major national broadsheet recently, announcing Newcastle as England's top city!
Newcastle is beautiful as well as friendly: iconic sights and striking architecture have earned Grey Street the title 'most beautiful in Britain'; Tynemouth, 'surfing epicentre of the north east', is 18 minutes from the seminary!
Friendly, welcoming, splendid—and affordable. Rent stands at one third that of London, and half that of Oxford or Cambridge.
Newcastle lays credible claim to being England's Presbyterian capital. John Knox was ordained at the cathedral in 1550, where he preached until 1553. At one time the city had over sixty Westminster Confession churches on its doorstep and regularly hosted England's General Assembly.
Many of the better-known English Presbyterians hail from Newcastle – including the region’s most accomplished architect David Stephenson, whose theological heritage is embodied in the elegant simplicity of All Saints Presbyterian Church.

Biblical, practical, mission-minded theological training to prepare you to proclaim Christ