Learn more about students’ experiences of studying at Westminster
“As 2 Timothy 2:15 says, we need to be approved workmen of God, not being ashamed but accurately handling the Word of truth to feed the sheep, love the lambs, and fend off the wolves; and for this, I need all the training I can get, as lives depend on it. That is why I am studying at Westminster Seminary UK.”
“I came here to learn the wisdom of Jesus Christ; this is where characters are built in holiness and righteousness.”
“I know of no other place which is so balanced: rooted in the local church whilst being academically rigorous.”
“I was taught how to understand a passage, turn it into a sermon and apply it to the congregation–and how to minister to people outside of the pulpit.”
“In England there is nowhere else to get an explicitly Presbyterian and Reformed education. I really appreciated this emphasis; it is unapologetic and runs right through the curriculum.”

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