Westminster celebrates 2022 graduation

“The work of the gospel is not to be peripheral in your life. It is not even to be significant in your life. It is to be all your life.”
Ian Hamilton left students with this challenge in his sermon at Westminster’s 2022 graduation ceremony as faculty joined families and graduates to celebrate the completion of their seminary studies.
Benjamin Mitchell and Peter Winch were awarded the Master of Divinity degree, Westminster’s professional qualification for future ministers. It is a joy to see them both progressing to the next stage of preparation for ordination, with Benjamin serving alongside Rev Dr Peter Naylor in Cardiff and Peter completing postgraduate theological studies with the aim of long-term ministry in Germany.
“These men came to us from different backgrounds and now move on to serve the Church in diverse ways, but in all three I see a love of Christ and a desire for Him to be exalted.”
They were joined by Roger Fay, elder at Zion Evangelical Baptist Church, Ripon, and chairman and former editor of the Evangelical Times. Roger was awarded the Master of Theology for his research on John Wesley, supervised by seminary president and history professor Ian Hamilton.
It was poignant moment in the young seminary’s history, sending out another cohort of men to begin—or continue—their labour’s in Christ’s church. Commenting on the graduation, seminary director Jonathan Winch noted that “we want our men not just to know the truth, but to be gripped by it. These men came to us from different backgrounds and now move on to serve the Church in diverse ways, but in all three I see a love of Christ and a desire for Him to be exalted.”
“Although it is a bittersweet moment for us to say goodbye to them as a seminary, we are excited to see how God will work through them in the future.”
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