Dr and Mrs Joseph Pipa celebrate Golden Anniversary at Westminster

Dr Joey Pipa, President Emeritus of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, delighted Westminster students when he and his wife cut their anniversary cake at Westminster during a ten-day preaching and teaching visit to Newcastle.

It was Dr Pipa who, with founding President Bill Schweitzer, forged a special relationship between the embryonic Westminster and his well-respected theological seminary in South Carolina.

The golden moment–accompanied by stories of how the Lord led him to his wife–was just one of many days with the veteran church-planter and theologian made memorable for Westminster’s students.

Dr Pipa’s primary lecturing focus was on the fields of worship and ecclesiology. Against a backdrop of growing individualism in the evangelical church Dr Pipa’ challenge was timely: “Corporate worship is the most important thing we are called to do as Christians.”

The Lord’s Day

Dr Pipa’s book, ‘The Lord’s Day’, was a seminal influence on Scottish rugby international Euan Murray, who hit the headlines in 2009 for his faithful stance on Sunday sport. On Tuesday 3rd August, Christians from across Newcastle’s churches gathered at All Saints to hear Dr Pipa warmly exhorting his audience to make the Sabbath a delight. Watch Dr Pipa deliver a further lecture on Christ and the Sabbath here.

Hanooq, a Westminster student and leader of a growing work amongst Asians, said “It was a privilege to learn from such an experienced teacher. He has changed my thoughts in different ways—I have clarity on a number of important issues to help me as I lead the Asian Christian Fellowship”.


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