Westminster appoints new Bursar

We are excited to announce the appointment of Jonathan Broom to the newly-created position of bursar at Westminster.

As a young man, Mr Broom moved to the Congo to work with a mining company, before being recruited to a national pharmaceutical company in his native South Africa. Rising to regional manager, he oversaw nine stores, with a £27m turnover, in the Western Cape.

With a heart for education, Jono and his wife also acquired a dilapidated school in Johannesburg and renovated it. Jono then led and managed the school and its staff team as it grew to serve over a hundred pupils.

In God’s providence, Westminster's need for a bursar arose just months after Mr Broom moved to the UK with his wife and their four daughters. This role combines Jono's love for the Lord with his passion for education, and allows him to draw on his business and property management background. He takes responsibility for Westminster’s financial sustainability and operational efficiency.

Jono is extremely excited to work for the Seminary and has been praying that God will enable him use his gifts to serve the glorious body of Christ.


Dr and Mrs Joseph Pipa celebrate Golden Anniversary at Westminster


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