Rev Dr Peter Sanlon joins Westminster's Faculty

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Peter Sanlon as Adjunct Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster.

Peter brings with him a wealth of theological experience. Following his PhD at the University of Cambridge, Peter has authored works on Trinitarian theology and the preaching of St Augustine, as well as teaching courses at St. John's College, Nottingham; Oak Hill College, London; and Union School of Theology, Wales.

What immediately stands out as you talk with Peter is his love for the church. The founding minister of Emmanuel Church, Tunbridge Wells, Peter's theology has not been formed in an ivory tower. He hopes to bring this pastoral emphasis with him as he joins the faculty at Westminster.

“Paul tells Timothy that we must be able to hand on the truths. That requires a deep hold on them and for them to have a deep hold on us.”

In a recent interview with Peter on how to prepare for pastoral ministry, he emphasised the need to begin with the end goal in mind: "A pastor is somebody who's going to long to see other people come to faith in the Lord, and then to deepen and enrich their walk with the Lord through the daily realities of life." Preparing for this role therefore requires both a love of people and a love of truth. "Paul tells Timothy that we must be able to hand on the truths. That requires a deep hold on them and for them to have a deep hold on us."

We look forward to Peter sharing with us not only the learning he has accumulated over many years, but also his pastoral wisdom born out of the daily experience of seeking to love others.


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