September 2024–June 2025
Our School of Theology has welcomed students from all around the world throughout its four seasons. Join us each month from 10am until 12noon — online or in-person — as pastor-theologians like Ian Hamilton, Nick Needham, Christopher Ash and Peter Sanlon take a deep dive into biblical, systematic, historical and practical theology.

Find out more about our upcoming classes on Saturday mornings from 10am until 12 noon, and catch up on the videos of previous sessions:
7th September 2024
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism: A Reformed Response
Westminster UK’s co-founder, President and Professor of Historical Theology, Dr Ian Hamilton (BA, University of Strathclyde; BD, University of Edinburgh; MPhil, University of Edinburgh; DD, GPTS) has been a pastor for 35 years (Newmilns and Cambridge), and now teaches and preaches internationally. He serves on the governing boards of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Banner of Truth Trust. A well-loved author, he has also edited the Banner of Truth magazine.
16th November 2024
The Psalms
The Psalms for New Covenant Believers
The Psalms, a Window into the Soul of Jesus our Priest
Christopher Ash is a preacher, teacher, and writer. He was Director of the Proclamation Trust’s Cornhill Training Course in London from 2004 to 2015. Christopher has written a number of books, including commentaries on the books of Job, Psalms, Ruth, Esther, and Romans, and also on preaching, the theology and practice of marriage, conscience, and how to care for our pastors. His most recent book is a four-volume Christ-centred commentary on the Psalms (Crossway, 2024). Christopher is married to Carolyn and they both work at Tyndale House in Cambridge, where Christopher is Writer-in-Residence and Carolyn is chaplain to the women members of staff. Christopher and Carolyn belong at Cambridge Presbyterian Church; they have been entrusted with three sons and a daughter and ‘lots of lovely grandchildren’!
14th December 2024
Practical Theology
Understanding Burnout
Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?
Alan Thomas is Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at Newcastle University, a consultant psychiatrist, and an elder at Newcastle Reformed Evangelical Church. His book ‘Tackling Mental Illness Together: A Biblical And Practical Approach’ has been described by Glynn Harrison as ‘the go-to resource for those who want to know more: the wisdom of reliable clinical experience laced with academic rigour and good common sense, all grounded in God’s word.’
Dr Nathan Wallace (BD, Queen’s University Belfast; MSt & DPhil, University of Oxford) is a research associate at the Christian Institute, and a recognised teacher at Union Theological College, Belfast. During his doctoral work he lectured and tutored at Oxford and held visiting research fellowships at the University of Geneva and Calvin University. Nathan’s research brings Reformed theology into dialogue with modern philosophy and theories of secularisation. In 2024 he served as Ministerial Assistant at All Saints Presbyterian Church, Newcastle.
11th January 2025
What is Theology?
‘The Queen of the Sciences’
The God Who is Not Silent
Westminster’s President and Professor of Historical Theology, Donald John (BSc, Heriot-Watt University; PhD, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David) is an elder in Cambridge Presbyterian Church, where he preaches regularly. He is a Trustee of the Banner of Truth and editor of Foundations, the theological journal of Affinity, and of the Presbyterian Network. He is married to Ruth and has two children, Hannah and Jonathan.
8th February 2025
The Puritans
The Puritan Movement: Part I
The Puritan Movement: Part II
Dr. Benedict Bird (MA, University of Cambridge; ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Cambridge) is Adjunct Professor of New Testament Greek at Westminster. His doctoral work was on John Owen and the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. He has taught Biblical Greek and Hebrew at London Seminary and serves as a trustee of London Seminary and Ebenezer Chapel, Luton. Before training as a theologian he worked for twenty years as an intellectual property lawyer in London. He and his wife are members of Cambridge Presbyterian Church.
8th March 2025
Talking to Jews about Jesus
Judaism Today
How to Speak to a Jew about Jesus
Based in Amsterdam, Asaf Pelled is a gifted evangelist who is helping Jewish people in Holland find Jesus for themselves through street evangelism and by engaging in one–to–one contact.
Asaf has a unique ministry reaching out to fellow Israelis who, like him, have emmigrated to Holland. He is in touch with a number of local Jewish business owners and conducts Bible studies with a number of Jewish people, from Orthodox to atheists, seeking to introduce them to Jesus, the Messiah of Israel.
Asaf has also arranged and led large summer outreaches in European cities. He is married to Janet and they have three children.
12th April 2025
The God-Man
Perfect in Godhood
Perfect in Manhood
Paul Yeulett hails from Cambridgeshire and came to faith in Christ at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He worked as a mathematics teacher in a Christian-ethos secondary school before being called to the pastoral ministry in 2007, firstly in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, and, since 2014, at Grove Chapel in Camberwell, South London. He is an occasional lecturer and writer as well as a pastor and preacher, and chairs the biennial Affinity Theological Study Conference. He is married to Ruth and they have three teenage children. In his spare time, Paul is fascinated by astronomy, cricket, history, politics, travelling and South Asian cuisine.
10th May 2025
Shapers of the Nineteenth Century
J.C. Ryle
Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow
Dr. Nick Needham is perhaps most widely known for his authorship of the multi-volume work 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power. After studying theology at New College, Edinburgh University, Dr Needham completed his PhD on the 19th century Scottish theologian Thomas Erskine. A pastor for many years in London and then in Inverness, he has also taught Systematic Theology at the Scottish Baptist College in Glasgow and Church History at the Samuel Bill Theological College. Alongside his writing, he currently teaches church history at the Highland Theological College and works part-time for the Christian Institute.
14th June 2025
Apologetics Today
Apologetics in a Woke Culture
Dr. Peter Sanlon (BA, University of Oxford; MPhil & PhD, University of Cambridge) is author of 'Simply God: Recovering the Classical Trinity' (IVP) and 'Augustine's Preaching' (Fortress). Having taught at St. John's College, Nottingham; Oak Hill College, London and Union School of Theology, Wales, he was appointed as Westminster’s Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology in 2022. He is the founding minister of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Tunbridge Wells.
Find out what a typical lecture at our School of Theology looks like below

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There are two options for experiencing our School of Theology:
Attend when you can, and enjoy the learning and the fellowship free of charge.
Take the learning deeper by pursuing further reading and writing two 3,000-word essays (for which detailed feedback will be given).

Our School of Theology is hosted at All Saints Presbyterian Church, a stunning 18th-century building in the heart of Newcastle Upon Tyne, located 25 minutes from the airport and 10 minutes from the train station.
“The School of Theology offers a good opportunity to study and discuss different topics related to the Christian faith, both theological and practical. Since the School is available online, you can join wherever you are.”
“As a church elder and doctor, the School of Theology has opened up whole new areas of theology that I have never considered in such depth before. It has been a joy to listen to these challenging talks with brothers and sisters who share a hunger to know our great God better.”

Biblical, practical, mission-minded theological training to prepare you to proclaim Christ