Amal Joseph

As 2 Timothy 2:15 says, we need to be approved workmen of God, not being ashamed but accurately handling the Word of truth to feed the sheep, love the lambs, and fend off the wolves. For this I must be properly trained and equipped, since lives depend on it.

This is why I study at Westminster Seminary UK. The faculty all hold office in their local church as ministers and leaders, which lends practical expertise to their Biblical teachings.

This past semester, I was working full time and studying at Westminster. I have learnt so much, and yet have so much still to learn. In faith I have resigned from my job, effective 31st December 2023, and am seeking a part-time position so that from next semester, I can better concentrate on my studies.

Please pray for me: that I would be able to train for the ministry while not neglecting my responsibility to love and support my family.

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Jonathan Lewis