Jonathan Lewis
During a time in my personal life when I had an intense sense of the call of God and a desire to be formally trained and equipped for the ministry, God, in His providence, provided a way for me to attend Westminster Seminary UK.
Studying at Westminster has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. The seminary prides itself in being an institution that does not simply seek to engage the mind academically, but also to work on the heart devotionally. They desire to give future ministers of the Gospel the tools they need to—as one faculty member told me—‘hold the line’.
The seminary’s motto is ‘Holding Fast the Faithful Word’, repeating the words of Titus 1:9. As a future minister of the Gospel in times of great global uncertainty, depravity, and even persecution, the task at hand is a difficult one; one that cannot be taken lightly. Each man must be equipped for that task, knowing that he is charged to ‘contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints’. I feel that Westminster is committed to equipping and enabling men to do exactly that.